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In the run up to COP26 we began our campaign, gathering signatures for our letter to Alok Sharma (appointed UK President for COP26).
We have continued to develop and build our campaign by collaborating with the New Economics Foundation (NEF). In March 2022 we gathered in Parliament Square and handed over a letter to the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, urging him to address the critical need for retrofitting UK homes in the Spring Budget.
See our Instagram for more and new updates of further actions!

Our Demands
Show us you mean it when you promise to build back better and establish a green recovery by setting out a national retrofit strategy. As our elected representatives we demand that the UK government act immediately and with transparency. We urgently need clear leadership to set out the roadmap to a zero carbon future. The government must do what is necessary for all of us and do it now; we know it can be done!
Do it now and make it fair
We need a just and fair transition to limiting our emissions in a way that doesn’t exclude households unable to pay or push even more people into fuel poverty. Demand is growing to see Net Zero carbon emissions delivered. Over 74% of people in the UK admit to being concerned about the climate. This is not a niche issue. This issue affects every single person and every type of household in this country.
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